Tips for Infection Prevention - 英語&外国人ベビーシッター | babysitters & company

Tips for Infection Prevention英語&外国人ベビーシッター 東京 横浜 名古屋 京都 大阪

Tips for Infection Prevention

<Safety Guidelines During Our Service: Covid 19 Prevention>

To maintain healthy and safe work environment for all of us, we would like you to understand our guidelines upfront.



Our babysitter will keep her facemask on the whole time during the service. Please keep your facemasks on as well when you are in the same room or anywhere near her.

Masks should be used in both indoor and outdoor spaces. However, masks should not be placed on children younger than 2 years old or anyone who has trouble breathing.



All children and babysitter should wash their hands with soap and water at the following key times:

  • Arrive to your home
  • Before and after feeding food/drinks
  • Before and after diapering a child
  • After using the bathroom
  • Before and after helping a child put on or adjust their mask



We request you to open doors and windows as much as you can to bring in fresh air during the service.



  • Please kindly accept a last minute cancellation due to sickness including any mild symptoms such as a fever, dry cough and runny nose. We will try to arrange a cover if requested and available.
  • Please notify us immediately when any of your household members is sick and we will keep our babysitter stay at home.
新規定期利用受付 一時休止のお知らせ (東京)

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